The Grace Baptist Church Sunday School Bus runs every Sunday Morning.
Below you will find information about the Bus ministry.
How can my child ride the bus?
1. All you have to do is help your children get up, get dressed, and be ready when the Church Bus arrives at your door on Sunday Morning. (School Clothes/Play Clothes are fine.)
2. Our courteous bus workers will pick up your child at your door.
What activities happen on the bus?
1. On the Church Bus your child will be involved in playing games and singing songs. They will also have a short Bible lesson while on the Church Bus.
What will be the Schedule of activities and events at the church?
1. Upon arrival, your child will be escorted to their assigned classes and will be cared for and taught by their Sunday School teacher. Once they arrive in the class, they will be instructed in the basic Bible doctrine. They will learn about God and man's relationship to Him. Plenty of time is given for questions from the students. Also in class, following the lesson, they will participate in quizzes and workbook activities. Your child will become readily involved in the Sunday School program.
2. Following the Sunday School hour (9:30 am-10:15 am), the children will be escorted to a general assembly for the Junior Church hour (10:30 am-11:40 am). this is a time in which they will be instructed in the Word of God, sing songs, and play games.
3. immediately following the Junior Church hour, your child will be escorted to the Grace Baptist Church Bus, in which they will sing bible songs on their way back home.
If you would like your child to ride the church bus, please call the church (610-932-9739) or email the pastor at
[email protected]
The Grace Baptist Church Sunday School Bus runs every Sunday Morning.
Below you will find information about the Bus ministry.
How can my child ride the bus?
1. All you have to do is help your children get up, get dressed, and be ready when the Church Bus arrives at your door on Sunday Morning. (School Clothes/Play Clothes are fine.)
2. Our courteous bus workers will pick up your child at your door.
What activities happen on the bus?
1. On the Church Bus your child will be involved in playing games and singing songs. They will also have a short Bible lesson while on the Church Bus.
What will be the Schedule of activities and events at the church?
1. Upon arrival, your child will be escorted to their assigned classes and will be cared for and taught by their Sunday School teacher. Once they arrive in the class, they will be instructed in the basic Bible doctrine. They will learn about God and man's relationship to Him. Plenty of time is given for questions from the students. Also in class, following the lesson, they will participate in quizzes and workbook activities. Your child will become readily involved in the Sunday School program.
2. Following the Sunday School hour (9:30 am-10:15 am), the children will be escorted to a general assembly for the Junior Church hour (10:30 am-11:40 am). this is a time in which they will be instructed in the Word of God, sing songs, and play games.
3. immediately following the Junior Church hour, your child will be escorted to the Grace Baptist Church Bus, in which they will sing bible songs on their way back home.
If you would like your child to ride the church bus, please call the church (610-932-9739) or email the pastor at: [email protected]