
Our church nursery is available for newborns - 3-year-olds. It provides a safe, caring space for young children during services.

Staffed by trained volunteers, it offers basic care (diapering, feeding) and age-appropriate activities including play, songs, and Bible stories.

Our goal is to give parents the opportunity to take part in our church services while their children are well cared for.

Junior Church

During the Morning Service, the children (4 y/o - 6th grade) are attending classes that are taught to accommodate their level of understanding.

During this time, they will have a Bible lesson, review questions, and games. All of these things are given in an attempt to help them grow in the knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Every week before Worship Service, children can come to have fun and learn about God. There are classes for all ages!


K-3rd grade

4th-6th grade

7th-12th grade

Every Sunday (9:30am - 10:15am)

Bus Ministry

We run a Sunday School Bus in the local Oxford area, in which we pick up children and families of all ages, bring them to church, and teach them about the Lord Jesus Christ. While on the bus, the children will sing songs and hear a Bible lesson.

The Sunday school bus typically will pick up the children between 8:45 am and 9:15am and will return them safely home between 11:45 am and 12:15pm

We believe that everyone should have a chance to attend church. Our bus ministry reaches out to our surrounding areas to pick up men, women and children who normally would be unable to attend.

Currently, we have 1 main bus route through the greater Oxford area, and we are looking to expand to West Grove, Nottingham, Rising Sun and more in the very near future

Every week, we "plug in" those who ride on the church bus to various Sunday school classes to deepen their walk with the Lord.

Ladies of Grace

We have regularly scheduled fellowships for the ladies of the church to fellowship together and strengthen one another.

These times include events such as Fellowships, Teas, and Outings.

Church Choir

We realize the importance of music in our church services and ultimately the glory it brings to our Saviour.

This ministry offers the opportunity for our members to practice and sing traditional God-honoring music together!

3D Teens

Teen Sunday School class meets every Sunday at 9:30 AM. We also have regularly scheduled events for our teens to fellowship together and grow in the knowledge of God.

These events include things such as Outings, Game Nights, Teen Camp, and Teen Rallies.

First Friday Outreach

During the Spring/Summer months, (April-August) we set up an outreach table at the First Friday event in downtown Oxford, PA and we give out the Gospel of Jesus Christ while trying to be a blessing to our community.

© 2025 All Rights Reserved | Grace Baptist Church| Powered by GM Baptist Outreach

© 2024 All Rights Reserved | Grace Baptist Church | Powered by GM Baptist Outreach