Pastor Ryan Combs was saved at the age of 7 years while living in Brandsville, MO. In 2011, he became a member at Capitol Baptist Church in Dover De, under the leadership of Pastor T.H. Moore. While at Capitol Baptist Church, Pastor Combs served as a Bus Captain, Sound ministry leader, and Junior Church teen leader. He, with his wife Jessica, served as counselors at annual teen camps and also served in many other ministries. In 2014, Pastor Combs surrendered to God's call on his life to serve in full-time Christian service, then enrolled in Independent Baptist Seminary (formerly Capitol Baptist Bible Institute) and is finishing his bachelor's degree in Pastoral Theology.
In January 2020, God began placing a burden on the Combs' lives for the ministry at Grace Baptist Church, and after much prayer and patience, Pastor Combs was voted into the Pastorate here at Grace Baptist Church in Oxford, Pennsylvania, in October 2020.
Ryan and Jessica were married in January 2012 and have since had 4 children, Sterling Jr., Landon, Deklan, and Paisley.
Pastor Combs was ordained into the ministry in May 2021.