Ministries at Grace
World-Wide Missions Giving Program
We systematically, prayerfully, and financially support missionaries and helps ministries around the world to carry out the Great Commission to "Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel."
We currently support 19 different missionaries and their ministries including Church construction projects, Scripture printing, Evangelism, Discipleship, Church planting, along with Bible colleges/Seminaries.
Ladies of Grace Fellowship
We have regularly scheduled fellowships for the ladies of the church to fellowship together and strengthen one another. These times include events such as Fellowships, Teas, and Outings.
Masters Men (Men's Program)
We have regularly scheduled events for our men to attend. These times include events such as Prayer Breakfast', Outings, and Mens Conferences.
Bus Ministry
We run a Sunday School Bus in the local Oxford area, in which we pick up children and families of all ages, bring them to church, and teach them about the Lord Jesus Christ. While on the bus, the children will sing songs and hear a Bible lesson. The Sunday school bus typically will pick up the children between 8:45 am and 9:15am and will return them safely home between 11:45 am and 12:15pm.
Sunday School
On Sunday Morning (9:30am-10:10am) we have classes for all ages to learn God's Word and grow in the Lord.
Junior Church
During the Morning Service, the children (4 y/o - 6th grade) are attending classes that are taught to accommodate their level of understanding. During this time, they will have a Bible lesson, review questions, and games. All of these things are given in an attempt to help them grow in the knowledge of Jesus Christ.
3D Teens (Dedicated, Determined, and Driven)
We have regularly scheduled events for our teens to fellowship together and grow in the knowledge of God. These events include things such as Outings, Game Nights, Teen Camp, and Teen Rallies.
First Friday Outreach Ministry
During the Spring/Summer months, (April-August) we set up an outreach table at the First Friday event in downtown Oxford, PA and we give out the Gospel of Jesus Christ while trying to be a blessing to our community.
Door-2-Door Visitation/Soul-Winning
Every Saturday morning we have a time for organized soul-winning and door-to-door visitation. We also have others that go out on other days of the week as well. In addition to these "scheduled" times, we believe it is every believer's responsibility to "GO" and preach the gospel.
New Move-in Mailers.
Every month we send a personal letter to the new members of our local community in an attempt to welcome them to the area and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with them.
This is not a complete list of our ministries, but is many of our different ministries! There are plenty of things to be involved in, each one specifically designed to help individuals and families serve the Lord together and grow in the Word of God.
We systematically, prayerfully, and financially support missionaries and helps ministries around the world to carry out the Great Commission to "Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel."
We currently support 19 different missionaries and their ministries including Church construction projects, Scripture printing, Evangelism, Discipleship, Church planting, along with Bible colleges/Seminaries.
Ladies of Grace Fellowship
We have regularly scheduled fellowships for the ladies of the church to fellowship together and strengthen one another. These times include events such as Fellowships, Teas, and Outings.
Masters Men (Men's Program)
We have regularly scheduled events for our men to attend. These times include events such as Prayer Breakfast', Outings, and Mens Conferences.
Bus Ministry
We run a Sunday School Bus in the local Oxford area, in which we pick up children and families of all ages, bring them to church, and teach them about the Lord Jesus Christ. While on the bus, the children will sing songs and hear a Bible lesson. The Sunday school bus typically will pick up the children between 8:45 am and 9:15am and will return them safely home between 11:45 am and 12:15pm.
Sunday School
On Sunday Morning (9:30am-10:10am) we have classes for all ages to learn God's Word and grow in the Lord.
Junior Church
During the Morning Service, the children (4 y/o - 6th grade) are attending classes that are taught to accommodate their level of understanding. During this time, they will have a Bible lesson, review questions, and games. All of these things are given in an attempt to help them grow in the knowledge of Jesus Christ.
3D Teens (Dedicated, Determined, and Driven)
We have regularly scheduled events for our teens to fellowship together and grow in the knowledge of God. These events include things such as Outings, Game Nights, Teen Camp, and Teen Rallies.
First Friday Outreach Ministry
During the Spring/Summer months, (April-August) we set up an outreach table at the First Friday event in downtown Oxford, PA and we give out the Gospel of Jesus Christ while trying to be a blessing to our community.
Door-2-Door Visitation/Soul-Winning
Every Saturday morning we have a time for organized soul-winning and door-to-door visitation. We also have others that go out on other days of the week as well. In addition to these "scheduled" times, we believe it is every believer's responsibility to "GO" and preach the gospel.
New Move-in Mailers.
Every month we send a personal letter to the new members of our local community in an attempt to welcome them to the area and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with them.
This is not a complete list of our ministries, but is many of our different ministries! There are plenty of things to be involved in, each one specifically designed to help individuals and families serve the Lord together and grow in the Word of God.